Have I ever done a tag here before? Sam from Spines in a Line kindly nominated me for this one, and I could not resist. Thank you, Sam!
The rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for the award
2. Display the banner/sticker/logo on your blog
3. Share 7 facts about yourself
4. Nominate up to 15 bloggers you admire
Facts about me:
1. I’m currently trying to read all the English translations of The Odyssey. Comparing translations is endlessly fascinating. Unless you are my husband. Then it’s like … there’s only so much time you can spend listening politely as I rant about the impact of using the word “tough” instead of “valor.” Or whatever.

2. I am an island person. I was born on the island of Manhattan. I grew up on the Island of Long. And my family comes from an Aegean island that is mentioned in Homer. The island’s airport is named after him. Currently, I do not live on an island, but I do live close to the Atlantic ocean.
3. My answer to the question “mountains or ocean?” is “yes.”
4. My childhood dream was to become a flight attendant. I still sometimes fantasize about becoming one. Flight attendant vlogs on YouTube are my (not so) secret obsession.
5. On a related note, I love everything about traveling (except unpacking at the end of a trip). Especially being at the airport. I’m a teeny bit jealous of Alain de Botton: He spent a week at London’s Heathrow Airport as its writer-in-residence and wrote about it in A Week at the Airport: A Heathrow Diary. If any other airports want to try a similar project, please click here.
6. My favorite song is “Love is Here to Stay” as sung by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong. Though I will happily listen to any of their collaborations. In fact, I am listening to them as I write. It is making me very happy.
7. I strive to live snark-free, unless said snark is self-directed. To recap: Self-deprecating humor = sure. Other-deprecating humor = not helpful.
Now for my favorite part: Nominating bloggers, and vloggers, I admire. No pressure to do the tag. I’m just happy I get to shout out content creators who brighten my day.
In words:
Alysa Salzberg, who enables me to armchair travel to Paris through her meditative, beautiful posts
Bree from Falling for Romance, who recently started her blog about discovering romance novels and is making me want to explore the genre

Johnna from The Size of Connecticut, who writes about, yes, Connecticut in charming, thoughtful pieces that will make you sorry you don’t live in Connecticut … except if you did, you’d be sorry for other reasons (see illustration)
Andi from Estella’s Revenge, who also has a wonderful Etsy shop called Wrecking Ball Design that is full of coffee and book-related goodies
Loreen at Coffee and Cats, who reads more books in a month than I buy in a month … and that is saying a lot
Sam at Taking on a World of Words, who runs a cool reading challenge called When Are You Reading
On screen:
Matthew Sciarappa, whose charming videos give thoughtful analysis that is fundamentally kind even when it is sharply observed/critical
Tori at That Cozy Book Nook, who does not make videos often enough for my taste … but when she does, they make me laugh and think and feel the world is a pretty okay place, actually
Bree Hill, through whose fun, chatty YouTube channel I discovered her blog
Hi Sally! First off, congratulations on this well-deserved tag!
Secondly, thank you for tagging me and for your kind words – I am beyond honored!!!
I’m currently on a bit of a blogging sabbatical following a family tragedy, but once I get things up and running I will happily keep the tagging going.
Thanks so much again – and congratulations, too!
I adore your writing and always look forward to your posts. Whether you’re sharing the complex and fascinating history of a place or describing an outing with your son, I feel so immersed in the world. I am in awe of your writing. I am glad you are taking the time that you need for yourself and your family and, as I am sure you know, you have my support!
I didn’t even know flight attendant vlogs were a thing! Those would be very cool to get a glimpse of what that life would be like
Glad you enjoyed the tag! It’s always fun learning these neat facts about the people we follow, and of course to share the love!
Yes! I love reading everyone’s lists and sharing the love 🙂
Flight attendant vlogs are pretty fascinating, especially if you enjoy traveling!