The unabridged list of what I read in May

My May reading goal was to smash my stack. I haven’t so much smashed as gently nudged it. On the upside, I I exceeded my goal to read 80% of my own books.

My May reading goal was to smash my stack. I haven’t so much smashed as gently nudged it. On the upside, I I exceeded my goal to read 80% of my own books.Happy new month, readers! My May reading goal was to smash my stack. I haven’t so much smashed as gently nudged it. To be fair, though, it’s a gargantuan stack. On the plus side, I promised to read at least 80 percent of my own books this month, and I exceeded that goal. I read 10 books, nine of them my own. Thank you to JMill WandersTake Back Your Stack Readathon for the final push!

Books I read: Continue reading “The unabridged list of what I read in May”

5 strange and unusual novels in my Nook

Oh, the joy of discovering I already own the books I want to read

The beginning of a new month typically finds me culling a list of new novels I’m looking forward to reading. However, it’s beyond time to get serious about reading my own damn books.

I’ve done okay so far this year. Of the 26 books I’ve read, 15 were already in my library. With more than 500 books in my digital collection and The-Lord-alone-knows how many on my shelves, I have to believe I can do better. So this month, I’m resisting the temptation to add new books to my to-be-read list. Continue reading “5 strange and unusual novels in my Nook”