Reading my own books in 2017: January reads

This month, every book I read came from my existing library. I’m going to savor that for a minute…

[*dramatic pause*]

This is the first month since making the conscious decision to read my own books that all my reads were my own. Of course, I must thank Andi of Estella’s Revenge for #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks and Benjamin Thomas of The Writing Train for the Book Hoarder’s challenge. Both have inspired me to stare down my gargantuan library. I’m … still buying books, un-redeemable book hoarder that I apparently am. But I’m making progress. Slow, snail-like progress. Continue reading “Reading my own books in 2017: January reads”

5 strange and unusual novels in my Nook

Oh, the joy of discovering I already own the books I want to read

The beginning of a new month typically finds me culling a list of new novels I’m looking forward to reading. However, it’s beyond time to get serious about reading my own damn books.

I’ve done okay so far this year. Of the 26 books I’ve read, 15 were already in my library. With more than 500 books in my digital collection and The-Lord-alone-knows how many on my shelves, I have to believe I can do better. So this month, I’m resisting the temptation to add new books to my to-be-read list. Continue reading “5 strange and unusual novels in my Nook”